Blood Brothers #105: Love for music, cancelled for music, and controversies over music

In this episode of the Blood Brothers Podcast, Dilly Hussain spoke with the well-known and controversial British nasheed artist Khaled Siddiq. Topics of discussion include: ...

Blood Brothers #104: Islamic history, romanticism, and Ummatic revival

In this week’s episode of the Blood Brothers Podcast, Dilly Hussain speaks with the prominent Islamic historian and author, Dr Uthman Lateef, of Sapience...

Blood Brothers #103: Sufis, Salafis, Sunni unity and the Syrian revolution

In this episode of the Blood Brothers Podcast, Dilly Hussain speaks with the prominent British scholar Shaykh Asrar Rashid. Topics of discussion include. 15 Hanafi...

Blood Brothers #102: Hanbali fiqh, Muslim unity, and criticising rulers

In this episode of the Blood Brothers Podcast, Dilly Hussain speaks with the prominent American preacher and debater Uthman ibn Farooq. Topics of discussion include: ...

Blood Brothers #101: Rape allegations, France’s witch-hunt, and the future of political Islam

In the opening episode of Blood Brothers Podcast season 3, Dilly Hussain spoke with the prominent Swiss Muslim academic and thinker, Dr Tariq Ramadan. Topics...

Blood Brothers #100: Muslim gangs, turning back to Islam, and my mother’s death

For the 100th episode and season 2 finale, Dilly Hussain speaks with the popular youth activist and preacher from London, Akhi Ayman. Topics of discussion...

Blood Brothers #99: The War on Terror, American Dawah, and the Left

In the penultimate episode of Blood Brothers Podcast season 2, Dilly Hussain speaks with Imam Omar Suleiman of Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research. Topics of...

Blood Brothers #98: Navigating differences with the LGBTQ, liberals and Christians

In this episode of the Blood Brothers Podcast, Dilly Hussain speaks with the American scholar and founder of Safina Society, Dr Shadee Elmasry. Topics of...

Blood Brothers #97: Andrew Tate, traditional gender roles, and divorce

In this episode of the Blood Brothers Podcast, Dilly Hussain speaks with TV personality, entrepreneur and pundit, Bushra Shaikh. Topics of discussion include: Emasculation of...

Blood Brothers #96: Finding Islam, Experiencing Ramadan, and Muslim UFC fighters

In this exclusive episode of the Blood Brothers Podcast, Dilly Hussain speaks with the Australian UFC fighter, Jake ‘The Celtic Kid’ Matthews. Topics of...
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