Italian protesters and police clash outside TV studios over Gaza remarks

Italian protesters and police clashed outside the studios of national broadcaster RAI in Naples on Tuesday. RAI CEO, Roberto Sergio, expressed solidarity with Israel after...

“Allow me to show you five maps” – ICJ begins hearings on Israeli occupation

"Israeli governments have given the Palestinian people only three options: Displacement, subjugation or death... Ethnic cleansing, apartheid or genocide. But our people are here...

French Football Federation tells players not to observe Ramadan

The French Football Federation has made it clear to the Muslim players in the national team that it will not make any allowances for the...

French state sues Muslim girl after she accused teacher of hitting her

The right-wing French Prime Minister has announced that the state will sue a Muslim girl who alleged that a headteacher struck her over an...

Islamophobic crimes in Germany more than double in past year

The number of Islamophobic crimes in Germany more than doubled last year, according to government figures, with the rise linked to Israel's war on...

ICJ orders Israel to halt Rafah offensive

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ordered Israel to immediately halt its military offensive in Rafah, southern Gaza, where it sent forces on May 6. “Israel must immediately hold its...

Kosovo could become first Muslim nation to allow homosexual unions

The government of Muslim-majority Kosovo plans to introduce same-sex unions, Prime Minister Albin Kurti has announced, with the measure being part of his country’s...

France launches widespread raids on Muslims ahead of Olympics

France has unleashed a series of violent police raids against the Muslim community under the pretext of protecting national security during the Olympics. Minister of...

Remains of 14 more Srebrenica genocide victims to be buried

Authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina have sent the remains of 14 more Srebrenica genocide victims to Potocari village, before their burial tomorrow on the...

What was the Srebrenica genocide?

As Bosnia and Herzegovina marks the 29th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide, we take a look back at the 1995 massacre of 8,000 Muslims in the...
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