Aung San Suu Kyi says Rohingya violence is “Muslims killing Muslims”

During a recent interview with the BBC, Myanmar's leader Aung San Suu Kyi denies that there is ethnic cleansing taking place against the Rohingya...

More than hundred Hindu cow protection vigilantes brutally attack Muslim cattle dealers

Video footage of more than a hundred Hindu "cow protection" vigilantes brutally attacking Muslim cattle transporters with iron rods and wooden sticks in the...

Muslim man killed by Hindu “cow protection” gang in India

A Muslim man has died after he was brutally attacked by hundreds of Hindu "cow protection vigilantes" in western India. Police confirmed yesterday that Pehlu...

VIDEO: Hindu extremists in India force Muslim driver to wear tilaka on forehead

Video footage of Hindu extremists from the right-wing RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) group stopping a Muslim driver and forcing him to wear the tilaka...

China bans long beards and veils in Xinjiang province

China has introduced new restrictions in the Muslim-majority region of Xinjiang in what it describes as a campaign against "Islamist extremism." The measures include prohibiting...

VIDEO: Indian police try hijacking ambulance with body of dead Kashmiri inside

Video footage showing occupying Indian police attempting to hijack an ambulance with the body of a Kashmiri Muslim inside. This video was posted on YouTube...

Muslim women and children beaten and forced to leave public park in India

Video footage showing Muslim women and children being beaten up and forced to leave a public park by Hindu residents in the Meerut area...

Indian government seize Dr Zakir Naik’s assets worth 18 crore rupees

Indian authorities have issued a notice to seize assets worth more than two million pounds allegedly belonging to the prominent Muslim speaker Dr Zakir...

VIDEO: Rohingya Muslim woman describes horrific rape by Myanmar army

A Rohingya Muslim woman describes how she was gang raped by the Myanmar army in her home in south Maungdaw. This interview was carried out...

VIDEO: Teenage boy shot dead by Indian security forces in occupied Kashmir

Video footage has emerged of a 15-year-old teenage boy who was shot dead by Indian security forces in Awantipora, Pulwama district of occupied Kashmir. This...
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