Bangladesh bans mass gatherings after tens of thousands pray for virus protection

Bangladesh has banned all kinds of political, social, cultural and religious gatherings a day after tens of thousands of people gathered for a mass...

Sri Lanka has locked up this Muslim lawyer without charge for nearly five months

The prominent Sri Lankan Muslim lawyer, Hejaaz Hizbullah, is being described by human rights groups as the latest victim of Sri Lanka’s draconian Prevention...

Pakistani scholars pledge to open mosques despite coronavirus lockdown

All eyes will be on jumu'ah prayers tomorrow in Pakistan after influential imams pledged to open mosques despite the country’s coronavirus lockdown being extended...

Bangladeshi regime is ‘colluding with criminal gang and buying Israeli equipment’

An Al Jazeera investigation has revealed that a criminal gang is colluding with Bangladesh’s security forces and profiting from links to Prime Mnister Sheikh Hasina. The...

Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami leader Ghulam Azam passes away

The former leader of Bangladesh's largest Islamist party, Professor Ghulam Azam, has died at the age of 91. The former ameer of Jamaat-e-Islami died from...

Malaysian scientist part of team that proved Einstein’s gravitational waves theory

A Malaysian woman is among the international group of scientists who made the ground-breaking discovery of Albert Einstein’s gravitational waves theory. Malaysian-born Hafizah Noor Isa...

Uzbekistan buries secular dictator Islam Karimov

President Islam Karimov of Uzbekistan who was responsible for gross human rights abuses and the persecution of Muslims under the banner of preventing "Islamic...

Sri Lanka bans cattle slaughter in move which targets Muslim traders

Sri Lanka has announced that it will ban cattle slaughter, in a move that's being seen as politically-motivated to please the Buddhist majority and harm...

Dozens killed in explosion outside Kabul airport

Two explosions have killed at least 40 people, including three U.S. soldiers, and wounded 120 outside Kabul’s airport. Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said one blast occurred...

The American Empire – Nuclear bombs and drones

The first few days of August every year comes with one bleak anniversary, that of the harrowing destruction of two Japanese cities, Hiroshima and...
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