China bans Ramadan for Muslims in Xinjiang

The Chinese government has banned civil servants, students and teachers in the predominantly Muslim region of Xinjiang from fasting in the month of Ramadan. This...

UK Foreign Secretary: China’s actions against Uyghurs are ‘beyond the pale’

The UK Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab, has called for independent investigators to be given "urgent and unfettered access" to Xinjiang to inspect the welfare...

China forces Muslim shopkeepers to sell alcohol and cigarettes

Chinese authorities are forcing Muslim shopkeepers and restaurant owners in the Xinjiang region to sell alcohol and cigarettes to weaken Islam's influence amongst local...

Disney slammed for filming Mulan in Xinjiang

The film production company Disney is under fire for shooting its new film Mulan in Xinjiang province where the Chinese government is committing serious human rights...

Conflicting reports over “China Ramadan ban”

There are conflicting reports over whether China has issued a partial ban on fasting in Ramadan in the predominantly Muslim region of Xinjiang. Some reports...

Muslims of Xinjiang – Persecution justified by “fighting extremism”

Shafiul Huq from the Revolution Observer describes how Muslims in China are being persecuted. Muslims in the Chinese province of Xinjiang are victims in their...

China passes new law to make Islam “compatible” with socialism in five years

China has passed a new law that intends to make Islam “compatible” with socialism within the next five years. China's main English language newspaper, Global Times,...

China says “de-radicalisation” concentration camps for Muslims “are worthy of praise”

A senior Chinese diplomat told foreign envoys last week that China’s de-radicalisation and counter-extremism programmes in the Xinjiang region "are worthy of praise". China is...

Draconian restrictions imposed on Uyghur Muslims in China to prevent “extremism”

Draconian restrictions have been imposed on Uyghur Muslims in China’s Xinjiang region to prevent “Islamic extremism”. Under the new guidelines, Uyghur Muslims could be detained...

VIDEO: Uyghur Muslim children taught at school not to engage in Islamic activities

Video footage of Uyghur children in the Xinjiang region of China being taught at school to not participate in Islamic activities or wear Muslim...
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