VIDEO: Visit my mosque day 2017

On Sunday 5 February, the Muslim Council of Britain will be holding the national "Visit My Mosque Day" campaign where non-Muslims will be invited to...

Celtic fans raise £176k for Palestinian charities

Thousands of Celtic fans gathered outside their stadium earlier this week to see a cheque for £176,000 presented to two Palestinian charities, the the...

Thousands attend janaza of prominent Sufi Pir Allaudeen Siddiqui

Thousands of people are attending the janaza in Birmingham of the prominent Sufi spiritual leader Pir Alauddin Siddiqui Naqshbandi who passed away yesterday. The pir...

Tens of thousands march through British cities to denounce Trump Muslim ban

Tens of thousands of protestors have marched through London and other British cities to oppose US President Donald Trump’s ban on travellers from seven...

Man detained under terrorism act because someone heard him say “ISIS” on the phone

Video footage showing a Muslim man named Ayman Mawra being detained by a police officer under the Terrorism Act because someone allegedly heard him...

VIDEO: Man racially abuses black and Muslim passengers on Manchester bus

Video footage showing a man racially abusing black and Muslim passengers on a bus in Eccles, Manchester. WARNING: Video footage contains foul language This video was...

Racist solicitor calls Muslim mother and her 4 yr old son “bloody foreigners” on...

Video footage showing the moment a solicitor racially abused a Muslim mother and spat at her young son on a train. Former company director Alexander...

Sunderland man admits assault against niqabi

A Sunderland man has admitted pulling a niqab off a Muslim woman and subjecting her to a tirade of racial abuse. Peter Scotter shouted "you...

Pro Palestine protestors slam Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to London

Demonstrators gathered outside Downing St this morning to show their outrage over Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to London for talks with his...

VIDEO: Shaykh Asrar Rashid on fake Pirs and Sufi Shaykhs

Shaykh Asrar Rashid delivered a lecture at Usmani Mosque in Leicester on fake Pirs and dubious Sufi Shaykhs. This video was posted on YouTube by...
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