When not to overvalue the opinion of an Islamic scholar

Abdullah al Andalusi questions whether the opinions of Muslim scholars should be taken as an authority on topics outside their expertise of Islamic jurisprudence.  In...

Trump, Israel and the Gulf States prepare to destroy the Palestinian cause

Veteran Arab journalist Abdel Bari Atwan argues that last week’s celebrations of the transfer of the US embassy to occupied Jerusalem were a crucial first...

Israelis are united on one issue: The subjugation of the Palestinian people

Palestinian-American journalist Ramzy Baroud says the recent Israeli elections will simply entrench racism and Apartheid so it's up to Palestinians to intensify resistance and...

Don’t blame “Salafis” for the crimes of ISIS, Al Qaeda and jihadi groups

"Salafis" should not be blamed for the violent criminality of groups like ISIS, writes Imam Zaid Shakir. The current avalanche of negativity directed at Islam...

Lauren Booth: “Muslims and extremists – we’re not the same”

Muslims and extremism are not synonymous, writes journalist Lauren Booth. "Here we go again," I sigh, browsing news channels. Each one, leading with the chilling...

Maajid Nawaz and liberal hypocrisy: When the chickens came home to roost

Abdullah al Andalusi shares his thoughts on the Daily Mail's revelation about Maajid Nawaz harassing a naked dancer at a strip club during Ramadan.  Everyone has...

CAGE: Vindication after vilification

In light of the recent media onslaught against CAGE for opposing the UK Government's PREVENT agenda, Fahad Ansari writes a review of the advocacy...

Learning how to do dawah and the need for Muslim intellectual revival

Abdullah al Andalusi explores the common misconceptions around learning how propagate Islam and the general intellectual revival of the Muslim Ummah. Many Muslims approach Dawah...

The bitter truth behind the 2016 US Presidential Elections

Unknown to the millions of sincere Americans who cast their vote earlier today, the systematic realities of "democracy" is far more worrying  than Donald...

What happens after the Saudi coup?

Veteran Arab journalist Abdel Bari Atwan examines the implications for Saudi Arabia and the region of the "white coup" which took place in Saudi...
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