The scramble for the Central African Republic

Shafiul Huq of Revolution Observer describes how western powers like France and the US are meddling in the ongoing conflict in the Central African...

Review of the Year July 2014: Gaza war and Muslim organisations targeted

In July 2014 tens of thousands of people joined a pro-Palestine/anti-Israel protest in London as a 12-hour ceasefire between Israel and Hamas was held...

DEBATE: Is it wrong not to identify as a feminist?

Zara Faris from the Muslim Debate Initiative recently participated in a cross-panel debate hosted by the University of Southampton on whether it is wrong...

Kashmir: The unifinished business of partition

Kashmiri liberation activist, Rabia Khan writes that once NATO troops withdraw from Afghanistan, the focus will return to the partition of Kashmir. As 2014 nears...

The top international Muslim stories of 2018

2018 was another challenging year for Muslims worldwide with China effectively putting hundreds of thousands of Muslims in concentration camps and Hindu mobs lynching...

Nadhia’s story: Life without my brother

Nadhia is the sister of a detainee. In 2006 her brother was arrested at the airport after returning from Pakistan. This is Nadhia's story... The...

VIDEO: Ertugrul Gazi and the birth of the Ottoman Dynasty

Deputy editor of 5Pillars, Dilly Hussain, collaborated with KJ Vids to produce a short video on the history of Ertugrul Gazi and the birth...

5Pillarz readers survey: Here’s what you said…

Thank you all for responding to the 5Pillarz readers' survey, writes Roshan Muhammed Salih. Your honest replies have really helped us to understand your experience...

Is Jeremy Corbyn’s economic policy Islamic?

Islamic Finance Guru Ibrahim Khan subjects Jeremy Corbyn's economic policies to the Islamic litmus test. How did they do? We all know that the...

Review of the Year July 2015: Babar Ahmad returns home

There was good news and bad news for British Muslims in July 2015. Long-time detainee Babar Ahmad returned home after finally being released but...
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