Dr Kate Godfrey-Faussett: I’m the victim of a witch hunt against the Muslim community

In an exclusive interview, 5Pillars spoke to Muslim psychologist Dr Kate Godfrey-Faussett who has recently come under mainstream media attack over her opposition to the...

UK rapper Lowkey releases song on Islamophobia, Prevent and War on Terror

British rapper Lowkey has released a song entitled 'Islamophobic lullabies' which mentions the War on Terror, European colonialism and the UK Government's controversial Prevent...

Who is the Sultan of Brunei?

The Sultan of Brunei, who has introduced a new law which will punish adultery and homosexual sex with death by stoning, is one of...

The face of white supremacist terrorism

The face of white supremacist terrorism - humanised by the mainstream media and normalised by western governments.

VIDEO: Three minute doctoral showcase on the ‘Dehumanisation of drone warfare’

Salah Sharief won the doctoral thesis showcase at Leeds Doctoral College when he delivered this fantastic three minute presentation on the 'dehumanisation of drone warfare'.

Nadhia’s story: Life without my brother

Nadhia is the sister of a detainee. In 2006 her brother was arrested at the airport after returning from Pakistan. This is Nadhia's story... The...

Uzma Qureshi: “I found happiness serving others”

Uzma Qureshi is one of HHUGS’ most dedicated volunteers. In this blog, she opens up about her work with HHUGS and how it helped...

How mothers are coping with food insecurity in Gaza

Food insecurity affects approximately 1.3 million people in Gaza, and it is driven by high rates of poverty resulting from more than a decade...

Profile: Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has won a third consecutive term in office in a controversial general election and her Awami League (AL) Party...

The top international Muslim stories of 2018

2018 was another challenging year for Muslims worldwide with China effectively putting hundreds of thousands of Muslims in concentration camps and Hindu mobs lynching...
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