What were the top British Muslim stories in 2018?

It's been yet another year when British Muslims were targeted by the state and the media, with our religious and political values under constant...

DECLASSIFIED PODCAST: “Why don’t you go back to your country then?”

Deputy editor of 5Pillars, Dilly Hussain, featured in the Declassified podcast with YouTuber Zeeshan Ali from 'Smile 2 Jannah' where they discussed European colonialism,...

LECTURE: Al-Sham in Islamic history

Deputy editor of 5Pillars, Dilly Hussain, delivered a lecture at the University College London (UCL) on the history of Al-Sham (the Levant) in Islam....

Daniel Haqiqatjou: Authentic Islam is facing extinction in the United States

5Pillars editor Roshan Muhammed Salih spoke with American Muslim writer and lecturer Daniel Haqiqatjou about Islam in America. Haqiqatjou warned that Islam is under attack by...

Who is the government funding? Mustafa Field: a Shia case study

Journalist Nargess Moballeghi investigates the work of Mustafa Field, who has implemented several government-funded counter-terrorism initiatives, especially in the Shia community. The government is funding...

Boys in the Cave podcast: Ummah in focus

In this episode of the Boys in the Cave podcast, deputy editor of 5Pillars, Dilly Hussain, discusses the Jamal Kashoggi murder, intra-Muslim racism, nationalism, the...

The Prevent strategy: From violent international terrorism to local religious conservatism

Journalist Nargess Moballeghi has written a series of in-depth articles about how the government's Prevent counter extremism strategy targets Muslims. In this first piece,...

DEBATE: Is it wrong not to identify as a feminist?

Zara Faris from the Muslim Debate Initiative recently participated in a cross-panel debate hosted by the University of Southampton on whether it is wrong...

Dilly Hussain speaks to Mad Mamluks podcast about ‘Khabibmania’

Deputy Editor of 5Pillars, Dilly Hussain, featured in a Mad Mamluks podcast where he discusses Khabib Nurmagomedov's UFC championship win against Conor McGregor and...

What is the most powerful Muslim country in the world?

5Pillars editor Roshan Muhammed Salih has compiled a subjective list of the most powerful countries in the Muslim world. He judged them on nine criteria –...
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