Thousands of Rohingya Muslims arrive in Bangladesh after escaping genocide

On Monday morning, thousands of Rohingya Muslims arrived at a remote Bangladeshi border island after escaping persecution from the Myanmar army and Buddhist militias. It...

Israel refuses to stop selling weapons to Myanmar

Israel has refused to stop selling weapons to the Myanmar government after the United States and the European Union have imposed an arms embargo...

VIDEO: Rohingya Muslims fleeing their village say they have not eaten in four days

Video footage of Rohingya Muslims fleeing a military raid on their village by the Myanmar army explaining that they have not eaten in four...

Palestinian girl dies after being hit by Israeli settler car

A Palestinian girl has been killed after she was deliberately run over by a car driven by an Israeli settler. The incident took place in...

VIDEO: Israeli mayor storms Palestinian mosque to stop Eid prayers

Video footage of an Israeli mayor storming a Palestinian mosque in an attempt to stop the Eid al-Adha prayers. This infringement which took place in...

Turkey will cover all expenses if Bangladesh opens its borders to Rohingya Muslims

In the face of the ongoing genocide against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, the Turkish government has offered to pay all the expenses if Bangladesh...

VIDEO: Canadian PM Justin Trudeau’s Eid al-Adha message

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Eid al-Adha message to Muslims around the world.

Hajj pilgrims perform Stoning of the Devil ritual

After a spiritually intense day on the plains of Arafat yesterday, Hajj pilgrims are performing the Stoning of the Devil ritual, before walking to...

Rohingya families take refuge on mountain after Myanmar army torched their homes

Video footage of Rohingya Muslims taking refuge on top of a mountain after the Myanmar army torched their homes in the village of Shilkhali.

42 civilians killed in US coalition air strike in Raqqa

Forty two civilians, including 19 children and 12 women, were killed by a US-led coalition air strikes in Raqqa on Monday, according to the...
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