Turkey bans all LGBTQ events in Ankara due to public security concerns

Turkish officials have banned all events organised by LGBTQI groups in the country's capital Ankara amid security concerns. The announcement which was made on Saturday...

Two people killed in aerial attack on British aid convoy ambulances in Syria

Two Syrian civilians, including a medic, have been killed in an attack by Bashar al-Assad's forces on British aid convoy ambulances in the city...

Poll figures suggest Australian Muslims voted massively against same sex marriage

Australian Muslims seem to have decisively voted against same sex marriage in a referendum last week which the wider population backed with 61.60% voting...

Libya’s sub-Saharan “slave market” footage sparks global outrage

There has been global outrage after the CNN released a shocking video showing dozens of sub-Saharan migrants being sold like commodities. The footage shows young...

Former justice minister of Saudi Arabia says “violence against Israel is unIslamic”

Saudi Arabia’s former Minister of Justice, Muhammad Bin Abdel-Kareem Aleissa, has stated that any form of violence against Israel is “unIslamic”. There is no justification...

“Butcher of Bosnia” Ratko Mladic sentenced to life in prison

Former Bosnian Serb commander Ratko Mladic has been jailed for life for genocide and other atrocities in the 1990s Bosnian war. Known as the "Butcher...

ISIS releases audio recording of its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

ISIS has released a new audio recording of their leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, calling on his followers to "resist the infidels." The recording is the...

ISIS claim responsibility for deadly Las Vegas shooting

ISIS have claimed responsibility for the worst mass shooting attack in US history, which has killed at least 58 people and injured hundreds more. The...

Muslim woman forced to remove her niqab by Austrian police

Austrian police have forced a Muslim woman to remove her niqab a day after a new law banning the full-face veil in public came...

British aid worker in tears as he slams Muslim rulers for inaction over Rohingya...

A video of a British aid worker breaking down in tears as he slammed Muslim rulers for their inaction over the Rohingya genocide has...
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