American mosques receive letters warning of genocide

Several mosques across the US have received letters that warn Muslims to leave the country or face genocide. The Associated Press reports that identical letters...

Amazon removes “Allah” dog mat from sale after complaints

The online retailer Amazon has removed a doormat and dog mat with the Allah symbol on it from sale after receiving complaints from customers. A...

Non Muslim students at Michigan Uni form protective wall around Muslim peers

Hundreds of non-Muslim students at Michigan University made a protective circle around their Muslim classmates so they could pray safely after a Muslim student...

Trump appoints “champion of anti-Muslim extremists” as chief of staff

Stephen Bannon, the driving force behind the right-wing Breitbart News website, has been chosen by Donald Trump as chief strategist. The site serves up an...

Jihadi groups celebrate Donald Trump win as end of American imperialism

A number of jihadi groups in the Muslim world celebrated Donald Trump's landslide presidential victory last week, mocking it as the beginning of the...

American Muslims react with dismay to Trump victory

American Muslims have been reacting with shock and dismay to Donald Trump's victory in the US presidential election.   Moussa ElBayoumi, who heads the Council...

Saudi student beaten to death by white man outside Wisconsin pizza shop

A Saudi international student from the University of Wisconsin was beaten to death outside a pizza shop by an unidentified white man, the Daily...

Billboard advert in Arabic appears on Michigan highway mocking Donald Trump

A billboard advertisement in Arabic has appeared on a Michigan highway mocking Donald Trump and his Islamophobic comments about Islam and Muslims. The advert, placed...

Theresa May unlikely to increase UK quota for Syrian refugees

Theresa May will use her speech at the UN General Assembly today to call for more measures to help countries to protect their borders...

Armed militia storm council meeting after plans to build mosque in small US town

Gunmen belonging to a local militia in a small US town forced a council meeting about building a mosque to be cancelled following security...
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