Family devastated after letting agency mistakenly dumped their possessions

A family from Ilford were left devastated after they came home from shopping to find a clearance company had mistakenly removed their possessions and...

Right-wing journalist accused of Islamophobia steps down from press regulator

The right-wing Sun columnist, Trevor Kavanagh, who has frequently been accused of Islamophobia, has stepped down as a board member at the Independent Press...

Man who stabbed Muslim surgeon in neck not guilty of attempted murder

A man who stabbed a Muslim surgeon in the neck as he made his way into a Manchester mosque has been found not guilty...

Ukip leader insults the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Ukip leader Gerard Batten has insulted the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), calling him a sex predator and sadist (Audhu billah). Referring to the conviction of a...

Tommy Robinson jailed for 13 months for contempt of court

The prominent Islamophobe Tommy Robinson has been jailed for 13 months for contempt of court. Robinson was arrested on Friday after broadcasting an hour-long video...

Two sisters who married ISIS fighters in Syria have their UK citizenship revoked

Two sisters who married ISIS fighters and are currently being held in a Syrian refugee camp with their five children have had their UK...

Two men arrested over Birmingham mosque attacks

Two men have been arrested after five mosques in Birmingham had their windows smashed with a sledgehammer on Thursday, West Midlands Police said. A 34-year-old...

Muslims urged to boycott Israeli dates during Ramadan

Friends of Al Aqsa, which campaigns to defend the human rights of Palestinians and to protect the sacred al-Aqsa Sanctuary in Jerusalem, has issued...

Burglar raided pregnant friend’s house and stuffed her kittens in an oven

A burglar stuffed three kittens in an oven while ransacking their owner's home. Omar Hussain had befriended his pregnant victim, visiting her Handsworth home before...

Weston taxi drivers’ cars smashed over “anti-poppy policy” rumours

Alleged reports of taxi drivers in Weston telling passengers to remove poppies has led to car windows being smashed and the English Defence League...
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