The Protocols of the Elders of the Muslim Brotherhood

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were a notorious antisemitic forgery used by antisemites as propaganda for anti-Jewish genocide. But Jahangir Mohammed, the director...

After Morocco which spineless Arab dictatorship will normalise with Israel next?

Veteran Palestinian journalist Abdel Bari Atwan says Qatar and Saudi Arabia are the favourites to follow Morocco and other spineless, treacherous Arab dictatorships in...

The historic Saudi-Pakistan alliance comes to an end

Veteran Arab journalist Abdel Bari Atwan says Pakistan has taken a decisive shift away from Saudi Arabia and towards China, Turkey and Iran.   A...

Murder by drone: killing with impunity Western style

Massoud Shadjareh, chairman of the Islamic Human Rights Commission, says that the West's use of drones to murder their political foes needs to be...

The challenges of the rise of secular religion

Jahangir Mohammed of the Ayaan Institute argues that Muslims in the West must shift focus from debate and dialogue with Christians to confronting the...

Long live the redneck American revolution!

Every Muslim should rejoice at the division in America in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the Islamic world, argues Roshan Muhammed Salih. Like so...

The beginning of the end of the American Empire?

Donald Trump exits as president with America more divided than at any time since the Civil War and with the U.S. regime closer to...

The case against Pakistani normalisation with Israel 

With rumours that the Pakistani Army is seeking back channel contacts with Israel, Palestinian-American journalist Ramzy Baroud argues that Pakistan  should never, under any circumstances and...

Muslims must recommit to learning Arabic to unify the Ummah

On World Arabic Language Day, Jahangir Mohammed, director of the Ayaan Institute, argues that Muslims must refocus their efforts on mastery of the Arabic...

Framing Britney Spears: Faith values are the answer to western anti-female bigotry

After watching the controversial "Framing Britney Spears" documentary, blogger Najm Al-Din argues that only faith-based values can counter the bigotry women are subjected to in western...
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