Who’s responsible for destroying the hopes and dreams of western hujjaj this year?

Thousands of prospective pilgrims from the UK who were due to fly out for Hajj this month had their dreams shattered abruptly at...

Humza Yousaf has trashed Islamic teachings on his way to Scotland’s top job

Maria Akbar says Humza Yousaf's shameful denial of Islamic values is a lesson to us all - if we sell out Islam in a desperate attempt...

Trans inclusion means Muslim exclusion

Women's rights activist Catherine Heseltine says that the demands of the increasingly assertive trans rights lobby will come at the expense of Muslims. On June...

Muslims can aspire to top office in UK… on condition they abandon Islam

Academic Tallha Abdulrazaq says that the elections of Humza Yousaf and Sadiq Khan prove that ethnicity is no longer a hindrance to top office...

Muslims should NOT sing the national anthem

Faisal Bodi of the Islamic Human Rights Commission says the singing of the national anthem by Muslims is a demeaning act of servility and surrender...

Andrew Tate may trigger Muslim feminists but what he says chimes with Islam

Maria Akbar argues that new Muslim Andrew Tate is already more in step with Islam than many "Muslim feminists." The recent conversion of Andrew Tate...

Hindutva thugs and poor policing created chaos in Leicester on Saturday

Leicester resident Jahangir Akbar describes the Hindutva violence and intimidation that took place in the city on Saturday. On Saturday a large group of masked...

Muslims now have zero excuse to support the England football team

Roshan Muhammed Salih says Muslims have no reason to support the England football team given the anti-Islam campaign it has been spearheading during the...

Muslim influencers are ditching Islamic values to go viral on social media

Blogger Najm Al-Deen argues that Muslim social media influencers and du'aat are resorting to clickbait, narcissism and sensationalism to gain traction, contrary to the values...

An open letter about Palestine to Muslim leaders and scholars

Fahad Ansari says that our policy of appeasing the British state has failed, and issues an urgent appeal to British Muslim leaders to either start...
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