Vandals graffiti Sikh temple by spraying Islamophobic slurs on walls

A Sikh temple in Perth has been vandalised with Islamophobic graffiti. The newly built temple in Bennett Springs, near Beechboro, was painted with the words...

Stacey Eden: Thanks but no thanks

University lecturer Akilah Alam argues that Muslims who applaud Stacey Eden’s “heroic” actions are inadvertently perpetuating the idea that Muslims “need saving” and detracts...

Muslim woman suffers broken arm in racist attack in Melbourne

A Muslim woman is nursing a broken arm after being pushed onto a road in an unprovoked racist attack in Melbourne. The attack occurred outside...

Man who threatened to burn hijab runs from court with head covered

An Australian magistrate has reprimanded a man who threatened to torch a Muslim woman’s hijab with a lighter, labelling his behaviour “offensive” and “anti-social”....

Australia’s terror laws “could criminalise preaching from Qur’an”

Preaching from parts of the Qur’an calling on Muslims to defend their land could fall foul of Australia’s new counter-terrorism laws, senior Islamic clerics...

Are Muslims about to take over Australia?

This short video by Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia addresses concerns by politicians and media that Muslims will take over Australia. It concludes that the Muslim...
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