How successful is Bangladesh at 50?

As Bangladesh turns 50 we look at the successes and failures of a nation which has achieved some economic success but is mired in...

The Muslims of Sri Lanka: From harmony to persecution

Sri Lanka's Muslim community has been under the spotlight in recent years due to Colombo's discriminatory policies. In this feature, we take a look...

Democracy has turned into mob rule

Jahangir Mohammed, director of the Ayaan Institute, argues that democracy is in crisis all over the world and has descended into demagoguery and mob rule. It seems a...

Masjid Al-Aqsa: Its history, significance and the urgent need for protection

With Masjid Al Aqsa under attack from the Israeli military and illegal settlers, we take a look at the history of Al-Aqsa and reveal the threats Palestinians...

Muslims must recommit to learning Arabic to unify the Ummah

On World Arabic Language Day, Jahangir Mohammed, director of the Ayaan Institute, argues that Muslims must refocus their efforts on mastery of the Arabic...

Who was Ahmadiyya founder Mirza Ghulam Ahmad?

The founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, was born on February 13, 1835. Considered heretics by mainstream Muslims, the Ahmadis claim to...

Who was Imam Shamil ‘The Lion of Dagestan’?

The people of the Caucuses region are currently commemorating the life of Imam Shamil Al-Daghestani al-Naqshbandi who died on February 4, 1871. But who...

William Shawcross in his own words

This is a selection of the speeches and writings of William Shawcross who has just been appointed to review the government's Prevent counter-extremism strategy....

The fall of Granada, the glories of Al Andalus and the butchery of Spain

On January 2, 1492 the last Muslim kingdom of Al Andalus fell to the Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella, putting an end to 800...

What were the top international Muslim news stories of 2020?

From a Muslim perspective 2020 will probably go down in history as the year when the coronavirus pandemic forced the cancellation of the Hajj...
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