Biggest British Muslim news stories of 2013

Deputy Editor of 5Pillarz, Dilly Hussain goes over some of the biggest news stories of 2013 relating to Muslims in the UK. 2013 has been...

Kashmir: The unifinished business of partition

Kashmiri liberation activist, Rabia Khan writes that once NATO troops withdraw from Afghanistan, the focus will return to the partition of Kashmir. As 2014 nears...

A look back at history: The siege of Mecca

On Nov 20 1979, Masjid al Haraam in Mecca, the holiest place in Islam, was taken over by Islamist dissidents in one of the...

Somali youth targeted by MI5 in Britain’s war on terror

Somali youth are at the frontline of Britain’s war on terror, they are a community under siege, writes Roshan Muhammed Salih who has conducted...

Q & A with a niqabi: I am a full member of British society

The niqab is making the headlines in the UK after Birmingham Metropolitan University banned the face veil and then reversed its decision last week. On...

Dr Farhat Hashmi’s silence over the state of the Ummah

Dr Farhat Hashmi is a prominent Islamic scholar from Pakistan who recently attended Makki Masjid in Longsight (Manchester) to give a talk. The mosque was...

Dilly Hussain interviews Zee Shah from The Apprentice: Follow your dreams

Zeeshan Shah was one of the Muslim candidates in this year's BBC The Apprentice. In an exclusive interview with Dilly Hussain, he tells us...

My encounter with a Roman who followed the Vedas

Ghulam Esposito Haydar from New Muslim Network describes his encounter with a devout follower of the Hindu holy scripture Vedas at a dawah stall in Manchester.  One Saturday afternoon,...

Yvonne Ridley: Captive, convert, activist

It’s a story that never gets boring no matter how many times you hear it. Journalist Yvonne Ridley tells Dilly Hussain about her life...

Health tips for Ramadan

In Islam, food is considered either a blessing or a curse writes medical student Aisha Mehmet. After a long day's fast, an Iftar consisting...
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