Western intervention in Syria – Lesser of two evils?

We are days away from a possible military operation in Syria led by the US. Whilst David Cameron and Barack Obama decide on the...

LECTURE: The plight of the Uyghur Muslims – University of Oxford

Deputy editor of 5Pillars, Dilly Hussain, delivered a lecture at the University of Oxford on the plight of the Uyghur Muslims of Xinjiang (occupied...

LECTURE: Al-Sham in Islamic history

Deputy editor of 5Pillars, Dilly Hussain, delivered a lecture at the University College London (UCL) on the history of Al-Sham (the Levant) in Islam....

Journalist or Terrorist? How “free” is the British press?

Dilly Hussain questions whether political journalists are at risk of being prosecuted under UK anti-terror laws.    Whilst studying my NCTJ in print journalism, we...

Should British jihadis be allowed to return home?

Britons fighting with the Syrian rebels including ISIS should be allowed to return home, writes Dilly Hussain. Reports have emerged that Britons fighting with the...

No “Just God” will stand for what you do either Mr Obama

When Barack Obama spoke about a "Just God" and a "shock of conscience" in response to the killing of James Foley, Dilly Hussain says the American...

Does the “severe terror threat” to the UK mean Cameron is preparing for war?

Dilly Hussain questions whether the increased "terror threat" to the UK posed by ISIS will result in military intervention in Iraq. Last Friday, the Home...

Safeguarding civil liberties over increased security is not a case of “heads or tails”

Dilly Hussain is the deputy editor of 5Pillars. You can follow him on Twitter @DillyHussain88 Dilly Hussain explains how the UK will eventually become a...

Boys in the Cave podcast: Ummah in focus

In this episode of the Boys in the Cave podcast, deputy editor of 5Pillars, Dilly Hussain, discusses the Jamal Kashoggi murder, intra-Muslim racism, nationalism, the...
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