Muslim residents in Bradford fear acid attacks after receiving threatening letters

Hanover Square Bradford [Image: Google Earth]

Muslim residents in Bradford said they fear being victims of acid attacks after receiving threatening letters at their family homes.

West Yorkshire Police have increased patrols in the Hanover Square area in Bradford after two threatening letters were sent to Muslim residents.

Labour MP for Bradford West, Naz Shah, notified the police last Saturday.

She highlighted the importance of the incident but described it as “isolated”.

However, similar Islamophobic letters of a threatening nature were also sent to three mosques in London recently.

This incident comes amid escalating hate crimes against British Muslims across the country.

What distinguishes these letters from the previous ones sent to mosques is that the recipients were individuals, thought the threats did not seem personal, but based on religious identity.

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The letter states that “anyone who wears the funny black masks” around Hanover Square will be attacked with acid.

As the above caption illustrates, the addressee on the letters are named as “Islamic friends”.

Mohamed Quayed, one of the recipients of the hate mail expressed safety concerns about his mother who wears the burka.

Another victim, Shoab, said that he is worried about the timing of the letter because they were sent when a planned English Defence League (EDL) demonstration was to take place in Bradford.

The EDL protest is also expected to coincide with Eid al-Adhha which falls on Friday.

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