How Beyonce betrayed God and her race

Najm Al-Din explains how Beyonce has betrayed her religion and race. For diehard fans of the R&B sensation, criticism of Beyonce is the subject that...

Popcorn politics of the Arab Spring

The Arab Spring that began in 2010 - like the 2009 Green movement protests in Iran - had brought initial hope that there would be a...

Egypt and the “Emperor with no clothes”

News that former president Hosni Mubarak has been released from jail demonstrated that the regime has removed its final fig leaf, the emperor revealed...

Swedish women don hijab after attack on Muslim woman

Swedish women from different religious backgrounds are posting pictures of themselves wearing the hijab after a Muslim woman was attacked in Stockholm for wearing...

Egypt requires national reconciliation for peace

The largest populated country in the Arab world is deeply polarized like never before, writes Mohammed Kahiye. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people have been...

The US approves the bloodshed in Egypt

Adnan Khan from the Revolution Observer writes that the US has approved of the violence committed by the Egyptian army against Muslim Brotherhood supporters, which has...

Who are Nigeria’s Boko Haram?

Nigeria's Islamist group, Boko Haram has in recent years been at the centre of media attention. It has claimed responsibility for numerous domestic "terrorist"...

Boston bombers – BBC Panorama unravelled zilch!

As someone who is interested in politically and religious motivated violence, I was left disappointed with BBC Panorama’s “The Brothers Who Bombed Boston”, writes...

US Yemen drones strengthening Al Qaeda

As Arab and Western capitals follow developments in Egypt after the ouster of elected president Mohammed Morsi, south of the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen is...

The American Empire – Nuclear bombs and drones

The first few days of August every year comes with one bleak anniversary, that of the harrowing destruction of two Japanese cities, Hiroshima and...
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