China’s biggest gold mine found in Muslim majority province of Xinjiang

Geologists have discovered China's largest gold mine in the Muslim majority province of Xinjiang, according to the state news agency Xinhau. The new find, close...

Pakistani soldiers called in to protect Saudi Arabia’s border against ISIS

Saudi Arabia has deployed thousands of troops from Egypt and Pakistan along its border with Iraq, amid fears of invasion by the Islamic State of...

Eric Cantona calls on Francois Hollande to change Israel policy

Former France and Manchester United footballer, Eric Cantona has expressed anger over his government's unequivocal support of Israel's war on Gaza. Speaking to Mediapart news...

Venezuela to send aid to Gaza and welcomes refugees

Venezuela has vowed to send relief aid to Gaza as a “testament of solidarity” with Palestinians being “massacred” by Israel. Venezuela's foreign ministry opened its...

Greek farmers cleared for shooting 28 Bangladeshi strawberry pickers

Greece has been accused of causing an "unprecedented racist scandal" for acquitting local farmers who shot 28 Bangladeshi strawberry pickers after they asked to...

Bolivia declares Israel as a “terrorist state”

Bolivia's President Evo Morales declared Israel a "terrorist state" because of its ongoing offensive in Gaza. Israeli citizens will now be required to obtain a...

Harry Fear “ordered to leave Gaza” by Hamas after tweeting rocket locations

A reporter for Russia's 24 hour news channel RT has been ordered to leave Gaza by Hamas after tweeting the location of rocket launchers. In...

Names of Palestinian children killed between 07/07/14 – 21/07/14

As Israel's Operation Protective Edge enters its seventeenth day, there have been 695 Palestinian deaths of which 166 were children. Here are the names and...

Maldives to boycott Israeli products and terminate bilateral agreements

The government of Maldives announced today the boycott of Israeli products and the end to all bilateral agreements with the country. “President Yameen and the...

Israeli deputy parliament speaker calls for re-occupation of Gaza

The deputy speaker of the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, has called on the Israeli Defence Forces to attack and re-occupy Gaza, to effectively expel...
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