VIDEO: Israeli soldiers terrorise young Palestinian boy

Video footage of occupying Israeli soldiers terrorising an eight-year old Palestinian boy in a Jerusalem neighbourhood. This video was posted on YouTube by DOAM.

Muslim births to exceed Christian births in less than 20 years

In less than 20 years the number of Muslim babies is expected to exceed those born to Christians, according to new data by the...

Uzbek man “admits” carrying out deadly Stockholm lorry attack

The main suspect in the Stockholm lorry attack has admitted to carrying out the crime, his defence lawyer said. Four people died in Friday's crash...

Egyptian authorities arrest Shaykh Yusuf al-Qardawi’s daughter and son-in-law on terrorism charges

Egyptian authorities have arrested the daughter and son-in-law of the prominent Muslim Brotherhood scholar Shaykh Yusuf al-Qardawi. Ula al-Qaradawi and her husband, Hussam Khalad, a leader...

VIDEO: Muslim women attacked by Hindu cow vigilantes outside Indian train station

Video footage of two Muslim women being beaten by Hindu cow vigilantes outside a train station in the town of Mandsaur in western Madhya...

VIDEO: Israeli soldiers terrorise 8-year-old boy in Hebron

Video footage of Israeli soldiers terrorising an eight-year-old Palestinian boy in occupied Hebron. This video footage was cross-posted from the DOAM Facebook page.

“Underwear bomber” to sue US Justice Department for denying his religious rights

A Nigerian man serving life sentences for attempting to detonate a bomb on a plane on Christmas Day 2009 has filed a lawsuit against...

Jail sentences for unauthorised religious meetings in the UAE

Unauthorised religious gatherings and Quranic recitations in the UAE could be outlawed if a new law is passed. Members of the Federal National Council (FNC)...

VIDEO: Uyghur leader explains China’s draconian anti-Islam policies

The General Secretary of the World Uyghur Congress, Dolqun Isa, explains the Chinese government's draconian anti-Islam policies in the Xinjiang region.

Ibrahim Halawa: “This is the moment I’ve waited for for four years”

Ibrahim Halawa was reunited with his family on Tuesday morning when they welcomed him at Dublin Airport for the first time since his arrest...
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