British Muslims should brace themselves for a backlash

With the seeming beheading of a British solder in south London earlier today British Muslims are bracing themselves for a backlash, writes Roshan Muhammed Salih. We can...

Ramadhan Foundation says terrorists will never win

Mohammed Shafiq, Chief Executive of the Ramadhan Foundation, comments on the Woolwich attack: "I wish to condemn the evil and barbaric crime carried out today in...

Muslim Council of Britain condemns the Woolwich attack

The Muslim Council of Britain, the UK's largest Muslim umbrella group, has  condemned the  attack on the soldier in Woolwich, London, in the following press release: No...

BREAKING NEWS: British soldier murdered in Woolwich

Police and ambulance services were called to a scene of violence around 2.30pm when reports that a man was hacked to death by a...

Are Muslim women safe on Britain’s public transport?

Police have launched an investigation after a Muslim woman was attacked on her way home by six men who hailed racist and Islamophobic abuse and threats of...

Grooming gangs, Muslims and the media

Raza Nadim says that Muslims need to stop being apologetic about the recent grooming uproar. With the recent conviction of the Oxford-based grooming gang we...

Nazir Ahmed: Lord of controversy

British Peer Lord Nazir Ahmed has resigned from the Labour Party over allegations that he made anti-semitic comments. The resignation came two days before...

Altaf Hussain: Godfather of Karachi, resident of Edgware

British MP George Galloway says that Altaf Hussain, British resident and leader of Pakistan's Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), should be immediately arrested. Yesterday I called...

MCB condemns sectarianism

The Muslim Council of Britain, the UK's largest Muslim umbrella organisation, has condemned the sectarianism gripping Muslim communities in the UK. Here we reproduce...

My father Munir Farooqi is being targeted in prison

Munir Farooqi, 56, was given four life sentences in 2011 for trying to recruit fighters to do jihad in Afghanistan. He was convicted following a prolonged undercover investigation...
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