Lancashire mosques seek judicial review over council’s ban on halal meat in schools

Lancashire Council of Mosques are seeking a judicial review over a decision to ban halal meat from non-stunned animals across schools in the UK. Lancashire...

BBC set to increase coverage of religions

The BBC is set to increase its coverage of religions after a year-long review found that people of all faiths were “often absent, poorly...

Former Tower Hamlets mayor Lutfur Rahman struck off solicitor’s roll

Lutfur Rahman, the former mayor of London’s Tower Hamlets borough, has been struck off the roll of solicitors and handed an £86,400 costs order. The...

Thousands of mourners attend funeral of taxi driver killed in Birmingham car crash

Thousands of mourners attended the funeral of a taxi driver who was among six people that died in a horrific car crash in Birmingham. Imtiaz...

Muslim-owned chippy will hand out free meals to the needy on Christmas Day

Two brothers from Birmingham will open their chip shop on Christmas Day to feed the homeless and elderly. The "Classic Fish Bar" in Erdington laid...

Sainsbury shop assistant found guilty of sharing ISIS propaganda on WhatsApp

A young Sainsbury's shop assistant from High Wycombe is facing jail for sharing ISIS propaganda on WhatsApp. Iftikhar Ali was aged 18 and living at...

Pro-Palestine campaigner won’t face prosecution for hate speech

A pro-Palestine campaigner who repeatedly criticised Israel during the Al Quds march in London earlier this year will not be facing prosecution for hate...

Muslim boxer from Bolton launches campaign to combat drug abuse

A Muslim boxer from Bolton has launched a campaign in his local area to combat drug abuse. Boxer Osman Aslam set up the "Stop the...

Muslim activist suspended from Labour over anti-Semitism allegations says accuser put her safety at...

A Muslim woman who was suspended from the Labour Party for alleged anti-Semitism has accused the man who reported her of conducting a "trial...

Britain First leaders’ Twitter accounts suspended

Twitter has suspended the accounts of the leaders of far-right group Britain First in a crackdown on "hateful conduct". The leader of Britain First, Paul...
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