Ayatollah Khamenei calls for Muslim unity in fight against Israel

TEHRAN, IRAN - OCTOBER 4: (----EDITORIAL USE ONLY – MANDATORY CREDIT - 'IRANIAN LEADER PRESS OFFICE / HANDOUT' - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS----) Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei leads Friday prayers at the Imam Khomeini Musalla Mosque for the first time in 4 years Tehran, Iran on October 4, 2024. ( Iranian Leader Press Office/Handout - Anadolu Agency )

Iran’s leader, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, addressed Friday prayers in Tehran today, calling for Muslim unity in response to the atrocities committed by the Israeli regime, which he characterised as America’s “rabid dog” in the region.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that Muslims face a common enemy and warned that failure to support those oppressed by this enemy could lead to further targeting of their own nations.

He said: “The brilliant work of our armed forces was completely legal and legitimate. What our armed forces did was the least punishment for the usurping Zionist regime over the astonishing crimes of this wolf-like regime and rabid dog of America…

The prayer in Tehran followed a commemoration ceremony for Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah who was assassinated in an Israeli airstrike in Beirut.

Ayatollah Khamenei described Nasrallah as “my brother, my dear and my pride, the beloved face of the Islamic world, and the eloquent voice of the nations of the region, [and] the shining jewel of Lebanon.”

“We are all saddened and mourned by the martyrdom of dear sayyed. This is a great loss and we are deeply saddened, but our mourning does not mean depression, distress and despair.”

Ayatollah Khamenei said though Nasrallah’s body has left this world, “his true personality, his soul, his way, and his expressive voice are still among us and will be with us forever.”

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People attend Friday prayer as Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei leads Friday prayers at the Imam Khomeini Musalla Mosque for the first time in 4 years Tehran, Iran on October 4, 2024. ( Iranian Leader Press Office/Handout – Anadolu Agency )

“He was the high flag of resistance against oppressive and predatory demons – an eloquent voice and a brave defender of the oppressed. He was a source of encouragement and valour for fighters and rights seekers. His popularity and influence had gone beyond Lebanon, Iran and Arab countries, and now his martyrdom will increase this influence.”

In other comments, Ayatollah Khamenei said:

  • If Muslims are united, they can access God’s unlimited power and benefit from divine principles that favour them.
  • This unity counters the strategies employed by adversaries who seek to divide the Muslim Ummah through various deceptive tactics.
  • The enemy of the Muslim world is also the enemy of Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Yemen, and other nations. This enemy employs diverse methods to dominate Muslim countries — sometimes through diplomacy and sometimes with military force or economic sanctions.
  • If this enemy can conquer one nation using these tactics, it will inevitably target others. To resist this pressure, nations must remain vigilant and support those under attack.
  • Muslims have long neglected their struggle against this enemy, resulting in significant consequences.
  • This means that the Palestinian people have the right to resist those who have destroyed their homes and farmland — a fact recognised by many.
  • All recent attacks represent legitimate and lawful actions taken by Palestinians in self-defence against ongoing aggression.
  • The Zionists and Americans are deluded in their belief that their entity will remain stable. The Zionist regime is inherently unstable, relying heavily on American support which has only exacerbated its challenges.
  • America’s focus on preserving this entity’s security is part of its broader policy aimed at controlling regional resources. Yet they have ultimately failed.

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