French Muslims call for Europe-wide march against Islamophobia on March 15

Meher and Aicha Msakni

A French Muslim organisation has called for a march in  different European cities on March 15 to protest against Islamophobia.

Coordination against Racism and Islamophobia issued the following press release:

Call for action against Islamophobia on March 15, 2015

Dear sisters, brothers, comrades, friends and citizens,

The social and political climate in France is toxic.

On the one hand the economic crisis is making daily life difficult for many families and on the other hand certain politicians promoted by the mainstream media are inciting hatred against Muslims which is leading to social and national divisions.

This is being done in an irresponsible and shameful way and the recent Charlie Hebdo attacks on January 7 have only aggravated the situation.

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We have all felt this identity crisis after the attacks as well as the stigmatization of Muslims in the media, in the public space, and even in schools and families. This has affected the moral and sometimes physical integrity of our children, the weakest in our society and least responsible for its ills. This leads us to believe that this evil is structural and institutional.

The physical aggressions are getting more numerous without the state reacting in a forceful manner to prove their desire for justice and social peace. So we feel that it is urgent to react against this wave of Islamophobia which is continuing in a sickening manner.

Baniere_CriFranceWe know that Europe is living in this same social climate, even outside Europe across the Atlantic with the recent Islamophobic murder of three young people in North Carolina.

For these serious reasons the Coordination contre le Racisme et l’islamophobie (Cordination against Racism and Islamophobia) calls to action all European social forces – and even non European – who are concerned about justice and equality and the unity of France and that of other countries.

All associations, professional corporations, unions, political parties, media and other people are invited to mobilize around this problem, this disease of Islamophobia, which risks blackening the history of France and humanity and to put in danger the values of democracy and brotherhood.

In order to confirm our will to act against this disease we propose that we organize an international demonstration to fight against Islamophobia on March 15 which is also the date of the anniversary of the French law of 2004 which was unjust and draconian.

The march aims to bring together all partners who are willing to join in our initiative as responsible and ethical European citizens. We count on your responding positively to our mail and we thank you. We must all say “Stop Islamophobia.” International solidarity is necessary, indispensable and urgent.

Please accept, dear sisters and brothers, comrades, friends, fellow citizens, our expression of dedication to justice, equality and the general interest, for peace between men and the progress of humanity.

Coordination against Racism and Islamophobia
00 33 07 83 04 83 19
[email protected]

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