The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) has released a video which appears to show the execution of British aid worker, David Cawthorne Haines.
The video lasting 2 minutes 30 seconds began with a footage of Prime Minister David Cameron. Here is a full transcript of audio from the video:
A man believed to be David Haines: “My name is David Cawthorne Haines. I would like to declare that I hold you David Cameron entirely responsible for my execution.
“You entered voluntarily into a coalition with the United States against the Islamic State just as your predecessor Tony Blair did following a trend amongst our British Prime Minsters who can’t find the courage to say no to the Americans’.
“Unfortunately it is we the British public who will pay the price for our parliament’s selfish decisions.”
ISIS militant or “Jihadi John”: “This British man has to the pay the price for your promise Cameron to arm the Peshmerga against the Islamic State ironically he has spent a decade of his life serving under the same Royal Air Force that is responsible for delivering those arms.
“Your evil alliance with America which continues to strike the Muslims of Iraq and most recently bombed the haditha dam will only accelerate your destruction and playing the role of the obedient lapdog Cameron will only drag you and your people into another bloody and un-winable war.
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The footage then shows what is believed to be the dead body of Mr Haines, and another British hostage is also shown.
The ISIS fighter says: “If you, Cameron, persist in fighting the Islamic State then you like your master Obama, will have the blood of your people on your hands.”
The Foreign Office has been contacted about tonight’s new video. The FCO says it is “working urgently to verify” the video purporting to the show the execution of the British aid worker.
David Cameron tweeted just before midnight: “The murder of David Haines is an act of pure evil. My heart goes out to his family who have shown extraordinary courage and fortitude.” In a second tweet, “We will do everything in our power to hunt down these murderers and ensure they face justice, however long it takes.”

Downing Street has said the Prime Minister will chair an emergency COBRA meeting on Sunday morning.
Colonel Richard Kemp, former commander of British forces in Afghanistan, has called for “retribution” over the murder of David Haines.
He said: “Having worked in British Government on hostage rescue I know how much effort has gone in to saving David Haines. Now is the time for retribution.”
Labour leader Ed Miliband tweeted: “I am sickened at the disgusting, barbaric killing of David Haines…David Haines was somebody whose only purpose was to help innocent people, themselves victims of conflict.”
Lord Dannatt, the former head of the Army, has said the UK should respond to the murder of David Haines by attacking the Islamic State.
“What we absolutely need to do is not be cowed in any way by yet another foul murder of a hostage,” he told Sky News.
“But to develop the strategy into a sensible military campaign in coalition with regional players such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan and other countries in the area.
“We can support them to confront, attack and defeat the Islamic State jihadi fighters … and make sure this cancer is removed from the region before it spreads more widely.”
The White House has just released a statement condemning the murder of David Haines and promise to “degrade and destroy” the terrorist group now known as ISIL.

It reads: “The United States strongly condemns the barbaric murder of UK citizen David Haines by the terrorist group ISIL.
“Our hearts go out to the family of Mr. Haines and to the people of the United Kingdom.
“The United States stands shoulder to shoulder tonight with our close friend and ally in grief and resolve.
“We will work with the United Kingdom and a broad coalition of nations from the region and around the world to bring the perpetrators of this outrageous act to justice, and to degrade and destroy this threat to the people of our countries, the region and the world.”
Who was David Cawthorne?
David Cawthorne Haines was born in East Yorkshire but raised Perthshire, The44-year-old was in Syria as an aid worker just before his capture in March 2013.
Educated at Perth Academy secondary school, he has worked for aid agencies in some of the world’s worst trouble spots, including Libya and South Sudan.
He was in Libya during its civil war in 2011, working as head of mission for Handicap International, which helps disabled people in poverty and conflict zones around the world.

The father of two was taken while working for French aid agency Acted. He was abducted after taking a shortcut down a farm track, where his convoy was ambushed by gunmen who kidnapped Mr Haines and an Italian colleague.
The world was first alerted to his captivity after he appeared at the end of the execution video of American journalist Steven Sotloff.
When news of his kidnapping was first revealed, the charity issued a statement calling for his release.
It said in a statement: “David has been working as a humanitarian since 1999, helping victims of conflict in the Balkans, Africa and the Middle East.
“When he was taken hostage in March 2013, David was in Syria as part of Acted’s humanitarian effort in support of tens of thousands of people affected by the crisis.
“We have been mobilised from day one with David’s family. More than ever, we are pursuing our efforts, and our thoughts are with David and his family.
“Acted strongly condemns the violence and threats against David. A man’s life should never be threatened on account of his humanitarian commitment. Once again, we call upon the immediate release of David.”