Contribution/Refund Policy

5Pillars Media raises funds online for a variety of community projects. This contribution/Refund Policy applies to anyone who makes an online contribution to 5Pillars Media. As your contribution is being made online without our assistance or involvement we ask that you complete your details and the amount of your contribution carefully as it involves a substantial amount of administrative time to deal with and rectify any errors. In summary:

There is no minimum contribution.
Contributions are generally non-refundable.
All credit card transactions will be processed in Pound Sterling (GBP).

Errors in Amount Pledged
Should an error be made in the amount of any contribution, the contributor has 30 days in which to notify 5Pillars Media of the error. All requests for refunds must be made in writing by email to the Finance Manager at refund (at) training.5Pillars The request should have the details of the initial contribution including the date, amount, name of the contributor and the nature of the error.

Change of Heart on Contribution
Refunds of the amount pledged cannot be made simply because you have changed your mind. It is for this reason that we ask that you make your choice to contribute carefully. 5Pillars Media is under no obligation to give a refund but will ensure that any genuine errors (such as to the amount contributed) are rectified.

Errors by Us
Should an error be made by 5Pillars Media or its financial institution, full refunds will be made immediately upon notification of the error and all costs borne 5Pillars Media.

Last updated: May 2018