Rushdie off ventilator, able to speak, suspect charged with attempted murder

Salman Rushdie, the author of the blasphemous anti-Islam novel The Satanic Verses, is now off a ventilator and is able to speak after being stabbed...

Satanic Verses author Salman Rushdie ‘stabbed in New York’

The author of the blasphemous novel The Satanic Verses, Sir Salman Rushdie, was stabbed multiple times on stage at an event in New York state...

Catastrophic drought displaces one million in Somalia

A devastating drought in Somalia has reached unprecedented levels, leaving one million people within the country displaced, the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, said on Thursday. More than...

Afghanistan starts to publicly implement Sharia punishments

The Afghan authorities have started publicly implementing Sharia hudood punishments for the first time since they took power a year ago.  Local media is reporting...

U.S. Muslim serial killer suspect arrested, anti-Shia motive suspected

Police in Albuquerque, New Mexico, have arrested the suspected killer of two Muslim men, identifying him as 51-year-old Muhammad Syed. Syed was arrested on Tuesday...

Eight Shias killed during Muharram event in Afghanistan

At least eight Shia Muslims were killed and 18 others were injured in an explosion during a Muharram gathering in Kabul. According to local authorities,...

Serial killer has murdered four Muslims in America

A serial killer who has been targeting Muslims in New Mexico for the past nine months struck again last night. Albuquerque Police Chief Harold Medina...

Abdelhakim Sefrioui: 21 mois d’incarcération dans une prison française sans inculpation ni procès

En France, l’épouse d’un homme détenu à l’isolement pendant 21 mois sans inculpation ni procès a déclaré à 5Pillars que son emprisonnement avait pour...

What do Afghans think about the killing of Ayman Al Zawahiri?

Since the alleged killing of Al Qaeda leader Ayman Al Zawahiri on Sunday morning it has been difficult to gather the views of ordinary...

Afghanistan condemns U.S. drone strike which killed Al Qaeda leader

The authorities in Afghanistan have condemned the U.S. drone strike on Sunday morning which killed Al Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri. Islamic Emirate spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid...
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