What’s it like being Muslim in America?

This is a video produced by the Pew Research Center based on their polling about Muslims in America. Findings include: American Muslims are patriotic and...

Largest Muslim organisation in U.S. offers condolences to “man of principle” John McCain

The largest Muslim umbrella organisation in the United States - the Council on American-Islamic Relations - have issued public condolences to the recently deceased...

Migration, security and business deals top the first Arab-EU summit agenda

Arab and European leaders met on Sunday in the Egyptian resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh for the first EU-Arab summit under the slogan “Investing...

Family members of Easter Sunday bombings “ringleader” killed in police raid

The father and two brothers of the alleged ringleader of the Easter Sunday attacks in Sri Lanka were killed in a security forces operation...

VIDEO: Israel forces Palestinian man to destroy his own home in Jerusalem

Upsetting footage of a Palestinian man who was forced by the occupying Israeli authorities to destroy his own home to make space for illegal...

VIDEO: Israeli war planes bomb central Gaza

Video footage showing the moment Israeli war planes bombed a civilian area in central Gaza yesterday in response to an alleged "rocket attack" by...

VIDEO: Israeli regime demolishes a Palestinian house in Jerusalem

Video footage of the Israeli occupying authorities demolishing a Palestinian home in the Isawiya neighbourhood in Jerusalem. This video was posted on YouTube by DOAM.

Palestinian children protest against school closure by occupying Israeli regime

Video footage of Palestinian children protesting against their school closure in front of the occupying Israeli municipality in Jerusalem. This video was posted on YouTube by...

Israeli police injure dozens of Palestinians outside Masjid Al Aqsa

Dozens of Palestinians were injured yesterday evening when Israeli forces violently dispersed Muslim worshipers who were performing Isha prayer in the streets outside of...

Israeli police recommend indicting Netanyahu on corruption charges

Israeli police have recommended that prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu be indicted on charges of bribery and breach of trust. Following a 14-month investigation into two...
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