Rohingya families take refuge on mountain after Myanmar army torched their homes

Video footage of Rohingya Muslims taking refuge on top of a mountain after the Myanmar army torched their homes in the village of Shilkhali.

Fire at Malaysian Islamic school kills 23 people

A fire at an Islamic school in Malaysia has killed 23 people, mostly children, after they were trapped in a dormitory with metal grilles...

Pakistan Prime Minister blasts India during UN speech

Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi of Pakistan has blasted India over the occupation of Kashmir and described how regional foreign interventions have blighted Pakistan...

ISIS claim responsibility for deadly Las Vegas shooting

ISIS have claimed responsibility for the worst mass shooting attack in US history, which has killed at least 58 people and injured hundreds more. The...

Senior Saudi prince accused of corruption freed in $1 billion settlement agreement

The detained Saudi Prince, Miteb bin Abdullah, has been freed after reaching an "acceptable settlement agreement" with authorities that saw him pay more than...

Uyghur students from Al-Azhar die in Chinese police custody in suspicious circumstances

Two Uyghur students from Al-Azhar University who were detained after voluntarily returning to China's northwest Xinjiang region have died in police custody. A resident of...

Muslim professor from Kansas who has been in the U.S. for 30 years detained...

A Muslim professor from Kansas who has lived in the United States for more than 30 years has been detained by immigration agents and...

VIDEO: Rohingya children send message of support to people of Ghouta

Video footage of British aid worker, Abdullah Karim, with Rohingya children in a refugee camp in Bangladesh, who send a message of support to...

Pakistan and India exchange fire in occupied Kashmir

Pakistan and India have exchanged fire in the disputed region of Kashmir, which has resulted in hundreds of villagers fleeing, according to Indian police in...

Israeli police arrest injured Palestinian student after she was beaten by Jewish settler

Video footage of Israeli police arresting an injured Palestinian student after she was brutally beaten up by an illegal Jewish settler outside al-Arroub university in...
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