Jamaat-e-Islam’s Motiur Rahman Nizami sentenced to death for war crimes

An “International Crimes Tribunal” sentenced the leader of Bangladesh's Jamaat-e-Islami to death for war crimes committed during the nation's independence war against Pakistan in...

Man who threatened to burn hijab runs from court with head covered

An Australian magistrate has reprimanded a man who threatened to torch a Muslim woman’s hijab with a lighter, labelling his behaviour “offensive” and “anti-social”....

Non-Muslims help clean up vandalised mosque in Canada

Dozens of non-Muslims in a Canadian town came together to help Muslims clean up a mosque after it was vandalised. The vandalism at the mosque,...

Muslim woman suffers broken arm in racist attack in Melbourne

A Muslim woman is nursing a broken arm after being pushed onto a road in an unprovoked racist attack in Melbourne. The attack occurred outside...

French far-right councillor accepts Islam and urges others to follow

A local councillor has shocked France's far-Right party Front National (FN) by announcing his conversion to Islam – and urging fellow members to join...

French “halal test” kit detects pork and alcohol in any foods

A new kit has gone on sale in France to detect the presence of pork or alcohol in various foods. The "Halal Test" is...

69% of US Muslims “plan to vote” in upcoming midterm elections

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, has released the results of a survey indicating that...

Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami leader Ghulam Azam passes away

The former leader of Bangladesh's largest Islamist party, Professor Ghulam Azam, has died at the age of 91. The former ameer of Jamaat-e-Islami died from...

Irish parliament urges govt to recognise Palestinian state

The upper house of the Irish parliament has passed a motion calling on the Irish Government to formally recognize the State of Palestine. Last week,...

Paris opera house removes woman wearing niqab after cast refuses to perform

A Muslim woman wearing the niqab has been forced to leave a theatre in France after the cast refused to perform in protest against...
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