Pakistan to receive $6bn IMF bailout to help with economic crisis

Pakistan has secured a $6bn (£4.6bn) bailout from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as the country's economic crisis worsens. The fund, which still needs approval...

Yemen’s Houthis claim to have captured Saudi troops

Yemen's Houthi Ansarullah movement has claimed to have captured thousands of "enemy troops," including Saudi army officers and soldiers and hundreds of armoured vehicles. The...

Most Americans support Trump assassination of Soleimani

By a narrow 48% to 43% margin, Americans view the U.S. airstrike that killed Iranian General Qassem Soleimani as the right decision, according to a...

No foreign pilgrims will be allowed to perform Hajj this year

Saudi Arabia has confirmed that no foreign pilgrims will be allowed to perform the Hajj this year. In a press conference yesterday Minister of Health,...

Belgium’s largest region votes to ban halal and kosher slaughter

Belgium's largest region has voted to ban halal and kosher meats by prohibiting the slaughter of animals which are not stunned. The environment committee of...

VIDEO: Jewish settler chases Palestinian boy to steal his bike

Video footage of an illegal Jewish settler chasing a young Palestinian boy in an attempt to steal his bike in the West Bank. This video...

Israeli police arrest prominent Palestinian leader Sheikh Raed Salah

Israeli police have detained the leader of the northern branch of the banned Islamic Movement, Sheikh Raed Salah, on Tuesday morning. According to Israeli police...

ISIS claim responsibility for Barcelona vehicle attack

The so-called "Islamic State" have claimed responsibility for yesterday's van attack in Barcelona which has killed at least 13 people. The deadly attack which has...

VIDEO: Muslims of Madina welcome the Hajj Riders with the Prophet’s nasheed

Video footage of the eight Muslim cyclists who set off from London last month being welcomed by the people of Madina as they completed...

VIDEO: Hundreds of Rohingya Muslims fleeing brutal military raids by Myanmar army

Video footage showing hundreds of Rohingya Muslims fleeing their villages in the rain from the brutal military raids by the Myanmar army.
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