Swiss school tells Muslim pupil to take off hijab in class

A high school in the canton of Bern has banned a Muslim pupil from wearing the hijab in class, Swiss media reported on Monday. The...

Bulgaria charges seven Muslims including an imam for supporting ISIS

A Bulgarian imam and six others, who were detained during a special operation by security forces in March, have been charged with supporting ISIS,...

US court rules in favour of Muslim woman denied job because of hijab

The US Supreme Court has ruled in favour of a Muslim woman who was denied a job because of her hijab. According to a BBC...

Newly married Turkish couple feed 4,000 Syrian refugees on wedding day

A newly married Turkish couple fed 4,000 Syrian refugees on their wedding day in the southern city of Kilis. Fethullah Üzümcüoğlu and Esra Polat, who...

Renewed calls for Guantanamo closure following harrowing detainee testimony

CAGE has renewed calls for the Guantánamo Bay prison to be closed and all the 26 remaining uncharged men there released in the light...

American courts and media treat Muslims differently, says new report

In cases of ideologically-motivated violent plots, American courts hand down sentences to those who are perceived to be Muslim that are four times longer...

Saudi urges Umrah pilgrims to request refunds over coronavirus ban

Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has told Umrah pilgrims who've already paid for pilgrimage visas and other services to request a refund after...

Facebook appoints ex Israeli official to oversee content

Facebook has appointed Emi Palmor, the former Israeli Justice Ministry director-general, to its Oversight Board which will be tasked with content moderation on Facebook and Instagram. The...

Tough times ahead for Saudi Arabia

With a sharp drop in oil prices and no revenue from religious pilgrimages, veteran Arab journalist Abdel Bari Atwan says Saudi Arabia is in...

Restaurant owner in Riyadh offers free breakfast to foreign workers

A restaurateur in Saudi Arabia has been praised on social media for offering free breakfasts to migrant workers. The picture above circulated on social networking...
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