Orthodox Jewish rabbi in the US calls for ethnic cleansing of Palestinians

A rabbi in the US has called for genocide against Palestinians living in Israel and the occupied territories, stating that they should be killed...

The U.S. spent $250 million a day on defence since 2011 according to new...

A new report published by the Federation of American Scientists suggests that the U.S. has spent $250 million per day on defence for the...

US Marine Corps instructor accused of “savagely abusing” three Muslim recruits

A former US Marine Corps instructor has been accused of "savagely abusing" three Muslim recruits, and faces a court-martial on charges including cruelty and...

VIDEO: Muslim father forgives man who took part in his son’s murder at US...

Heartbreaking footage of a Muslim father forgiving the man who took part in his son's murder at a court hearing.

Tesco defend Christmas advert with Muslim family: “This holiday is for everyone”

Supermarket giant Tesco have defended their choice of featuring a Muslim family in their Christmas advert stating that "this holiday is for everyone". The one-minute advert...

American teacher suspended after video showed her ripping student’s hijab off

A teacher from Tennessee has been suspended after a video went viral on Snapchat of her forcibly removing a student’s hijab.   The footage of the...

Stepfather prevents his daughter from doing homework about converting to Islam

An angry father has refused to let his 12-year-old stepdaughter complete her homework after she was asked to write a letter to her family...

ISIS claim responsibility for deadly Las Vegas shooting

ISIS have claimed responsibility for the worst mass shooting attack in US history, which has killed at least 58 people and injured hundreds more. The...

“Underwear bomber” to sue US Justice Department for denying his religious rights

A Nigerian man serving life sentences for attempting to detonate a bomb on a plane on Christmas Day 2009 has filed a lawsuit against...

Donald Trump retweets Britain First videos

Donald Trump has retweeted three inflammatory videos from Britain First. The first tweet from Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of Britain First, claims to show...
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