UK terror watchdog warns against “thought-crime” laws

The UK’s independent terror watchdog has claimed it would be “quite wrong” to introduce laws to “criminalise thought without action” as he appeared to criticise a planned crackdown...

Thousands condemn Britain on Balfour Declaration anniversary

Thousands of Palestinian supporters have marched through central London to demand that Britain make amends for the Balfour Declaration, the historic document that led...

Boris Johnson faces Tory party investigation over burqa comments

Boris Johnson is facing an investigation into breaches of the Conservative Party code of conduct. The party has received dozens of complaints about the ex-Foreign...

Most arrested terror suspects are white

White people make up the largest proportion of arrested terrorism suspects. There were 351 arrests for terrorism-related activity in the year ending June 30, Home...

Government should consider abolishing terror laws, says terrorism watchdog

The man tasked with reviewing Britain's terror laws has said the government should consider abolishing them as they are “unnecessary” in the fight against...

Theresa May vows to “defeat extremism” during UN speech to virtually empty room

Prime Minister Theresa May has vowed to “defeat extremist ideology” during a speech to the United Nations yesterday. In a sign of waning British power...

Government minister says British ISIS fighters should be killed

The Minister for International Development, Rory Stewart, has said the only way to deal with British ISIS fighters in Syria "in almost every case"...

Ahmed Hassan jailed for life for tube bombing

The Parsons Green tube bomber Ahmed Hassan has been jailed for a minimum of 34 years. The 18 year old Iraqi asylum seeker partially exploded...

Anti-Muslim hate crime surges, new police figures reveal

There has been a surge in hate crime against Muslims in England and Wales, new Home Office data has revealed. In 2017/18, just over half...

Tories backtrack on pledge to hold Islamophobia inquiry

The Conservative Party has backtracked on its pledge to hold an inquiry into Islamophobia. Instead, it will hold an inquiry into all types of racism,...
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