Pigs’ heads with Islamophobic slurs left outside Belfast church

Two pigs’ heads with Islamophobic slogans written on them have been left at a Protestant church in Belfast after rumours spread on social media...

Muslim teenager left with serious injuries after racist attack on Metrolink tram

Syed Adnan Mashrur, from Oldham, was left with a swollen jaw, cuts to his face and required stitches to his lip following the assault...

West Midlands ‘holy conman’ said he’d save woman’s marriage if she slept with him

A young mother has claimed a that a 'holy conman' agreed to cast spells to save her marriage on condition that she had sex...

Tony Blair admits link between Iraq invasion and ISIS

Tony Blair has apologised for mistakes made over the Iraq War - and said there were "elements of truth" to claims the war caused...

STATEMENT: Keep mosques and madrassas free from govt interference

Dozens of mosques, madrassas and Muslim activists have signed a statement in support of keeping mosques and madrassas independent and free from government interference. So...

Lewisham Islamic Centre respond to Govt’s calls for ‘mosque closure orders’

Lewisham Islamic Centre have issued a strongly worded response to the UK Government's calls for mosque closure orders under its new counter-extremism strategy. The following...

Racist abuser says sorry for shocking tirade on London bus

A father who hurled an elderly Turkish migrant’s zimmer frame off London a bus after subjecting him to a torrent of racist abuse has...

Manchester Council of Mosques slams govt counter extremism strategy

Manchester Council of Mosques, which represents over 70 mosques in Manchester with a combined congregation of over 80 000 people, has slammed the government's...

Charity Commission forced to back down over CAGE funding

The Charity Commission has been forced to reverse its public position that charities could never again fund CAGE after a hearing in the high...

CAGE takes Charity Commission to court after funding was cut

US intelligence agents appear to have influenced a decision to investigate charitable donors to CAGE, the advocacy group that campaigns on behalf of people...
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