Rushanara Ali easily beats Ajmal Masroor in Bethnal Green and Bow

Rushanara Ali was returned to parliament in Bethnal Green and Bow, increasing her majority by nearly 11 per cent. She received 42,969 votes - a...

Britain’s first Muslim judge Khurshid Drabu dies aged 72

One of the founding members of the Muslim Council of Britain and the UK's first Muslim judge, Khurshid Drabu, has passed away at the...

Extremism tsar Sara Khan defends her job in front of parliamentary committee

The government's controversial "extremism tsar" Sara Khan has defended her suitability for the job in front of a parliamentary committee. Khan appeared before the Home...

Birmingham man faces jail after having sex with a corpse

A Birmingham man who had sex with a corpse in a funeral home is facing a substantial jail sentence. Kasim Khuram, 23, broke into the...

Shamima Begum’s family asks Home Office to show “mercy” over citizenship revocation

In a letter sent on behalf of Shamima Begum's family, the Home Office has been asked to show "mercy" by reconsidering its decision to...

Aya Hachem was ‘innocent victim of a business dispute’

Aya Hachem was shot dead following a business dispute between two rival tyre firms, Preston Crown Court has heard. Hachem, 19, was an innocent passer-by...

Prominent British Muslims offered police protection after al Shabab threats

Several prominent British Muslims have been warned of a possible threat to their lives following the release of a video by the Somali Islamist group al Shabab. Among...

List of British Muslims given New Year’s Honours

A number of British Muslims have been honoured by the Queen in her annual New Year's Honours List. The list includes Muslim police officers, a...

Muslim charity leader guilty of sexually abusing three girls aged under 14

A well-known Muslim charity chief has been convicted of sexually abusing three young girls over 20 years ago. Zafar Iqbal, chief executive of Southwark Muslim...

MEND deconstruct to Eric Pickles’ letter to UK mosques

MEND (Muslim Engagement & Development) deconstruct Eric Pickles' letter telling mosque leaders to tackle extremism and adopt British values. The Daily Telegraph front page today covers the letter issued by the Secretary...
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