130 imams and Muslim leaders refuse to pray funeral prayer for London attackers

In a joint statement issued yesterday, more than 130 imams and Muslim leaders have refused to carry out the Islamic funeral prayer for the...

Blackburn Muslim girls school tops English educational improvement rankings

A Muslim girls school in Blackburn has topped new league tables issued by the government to track improvement in pupils’ progress in English secondary...

SKT Welfare release video debunking Shaykh al-Yaqoubi’s allegations of misconduct

The UK-based charity SKT Welfare have released a video entitled ‘Truth Unravelled’ debunking allegations made by the prominent Syrian scholar Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi about...

Sheikh Yusuf Motala – a pioneer of Islam in Britain – dies

One of the most influential figures in the development of Islam in Britain has died. Maulana Yusuf Motala, 73, passed away on Sunday night in...

Thousands of British Muslims protest outside Syrian embassy in solidarity with Aleppo

More than 2,000 British Muslims attended a demonstration outside the Syrian Embassy in London yesterday night in solidarity with the people of eastern Aleppo....

Full video and transcript of Azeem Rafiq’s witness testimony on racism at Yorkshire CCC

This is the full video and the transcript of Azeem Rafiq's DCMS witness testimony to MPs on institutional racism at Yorkshire County Cricket Club. I...

Sikh man blackmailed Muslim teen after pretending to be Muslim to prostitute her

A Sikh man has been jailed for more than three years after he pretended to be a Muslim so he could have sex with...

Woman knocked down and dragged by hijab in sickening attack

A Muslim woman was knocked down and dragged along the pavement by her hijab in a busy shopping precinct. The Evening Standard reports that two...

Islam21c editor receives apology from UK Government for being labelled “extremist”

The UK Government has delivered an unprecedented apology to the editor of an Islamic website after he was labelled an “extremist hate preacher” in...

Zionists back Golders Green mosque after discovering it doesn’t like Iran and isn’t obsessed...

Pro-Israel activists have backed a new Islamic centre in Golders Green, London, after finding out that it isn’t Sunni, doesn’t follow Iran and isn’t...
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