City University Students Union passes motion to ban right-wing newspapers

The students’ union of City University in London has passed a motion seeking to ban The Sun, Daily Mail and Express newspaper titles from the campus.

Press Gazette reports that the motion was passed at the union’s annual general meeting this week.

The resolution states that there is “no place for the Sun, Daily Mail or Express (In their current form) on City, University of London campuses or properties.”

It says the Union should also “use the University’s industry contacts to reach out to employees and shareholders of the media outlets in question.” And it states it should “provide the resources and meeting space needed to organise direct action, online and social media campaigns.”

The motion passed was headed: “Opposing Facism [sic] & Social Divisiveness in the UK Media”. It states: “The motion focuses on three UK newspapers. This does not exclude other media organisations from this motion. These were merely used as high profile examples.”

It said the Daily Mail, The Sun and the Express have published stories that demonise refugees and minorities.

“The Sun, Express and Daily Mail all actively scapegoat the working classes they so proudly claim to represent. They consistently print stories about benefit scroungers despite government figures showing that less than 1% of the benefits budget is fraudulently claimed annually… freedom of speech should not be used as an excuse to attack the weakest and poorest members of society… the media has a duty not to stir up racial tensions and hatred just to sell papers.

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