Five Palestine Action activists jailed for occupying weapons factory

Palestine Action Scotland

Five activists from Palestine Action Scotland have been jailed after they occupied a weapons factory owned by a French firm which has partnerships with Israeli weapons manufacturers.

Stuart Bretherton and Eva Simmons, both 25, Calum Lacy, 23, Erica Hygate, 23 and Sumaya Javaid, 22, scaled the Thales UK building in Govan, Glasgow, on June 1, 2022.

The five occupied the roof of the arms maker and dropped banners to disrupt production. Two of them also damaged weaponry inside the building. In total, they cost Thales’ over £1million in losses.

The activists pled guilty to conducting themselves in a disorderly manner.

Hygate further admitted at Glasgow Sheriff Court to malicious mischief while Javaid separately pled guilty to malicious mischief and behaving in a threatening or abusive manner.

Three who were convicted of breach of the peace were given 12 month custodial sentences, whereas two who were convicted of breach of the peace and malicious mischief were given 14 months and 16 months custodial sentences.

They are expected to serve half of their sentences in prison.

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The judge stated the aim of the sentences was to deter further activism against weapons companies in Scotland.

Thales is one of the world’s largest arms companies – producing armoured vehicles, missile systems and military UAVs (drones). According to Palestine Action, Thales works in partnership with Elbit Systems, Israel’s largest weapons company, to produce military drones in their joint owned factory in Leicester called UAV Tactical Systems.

Sheriff John McCormick said: “The court has to have regard to the major impact this had – the impact on employees as well as police and emergency services resources. A total of 20 constables, one inspector and two sergeants were there over two days or four shifts.

“The premises were shut due to safety concerns and disrupting business activities which included matters of nationwide security. The damage caused cost £1,130,783 which does not include the cost to the public purse, police or emergency service personnel.”

There are now 16 Palestine Action activists in prison, detained for what they say is “taking action against complicity with colonialism and genocide.”

A Palestine Action spokesperson said: “Imprisoning activists for taking action against Scotland’s arms trade with Israel only serves to protect companies enabling genocide. Such sentences will urge more people to acknowledge Scottish complicity with the ongoing Gaza genocide and motivate them to take action against it. It is those who arm the massacres of the Palestinian people who are guilty, not those who take action to stop them.”

Thales denies supporting the Israeli military.

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