5Pillars and CAGE to hold three-city UK tour on plight of Uyghur Muslims

5Pillars and advocacy group CAGE will be holding a three city tour on the plight of the Uyghur Muslims of China next month in London, Birmingham and Manchester.

According to the United Nations, at least one million Uyghur and Turkic Muslims have been forcibly detained in concentration camps, though the real number of detainees is believed to be up to three million.

In these camps, Muslims are prevented from praying their salaat, they are forced to drink alcohol and eat pork, and brainwashed to leave Islam. Outside of these camps, Uyghur Muslims are subjected to horrific levels of religious persecution.

It is a crime to possess a copy of the Quran in public, young men cannot grow beards or wear trousers above their ankles, Islamic schools have been shutdown, Muslim women are not allowed to wear the hijab in public buildings, and fasting during Ramadan has been banned for public sector workers.

This tour is aimed at raising awareness about the plight of the Uyghur Muslims with two international speakers, one of whom is a survivor from Guantanamo Bay.

We will also hear an eye-witness account from a survivor, detailing conditions inside the concentration camps.

Deputy Editor of 5Pillars, Dilly Hussain, and CAGE’s outreach director, Moazzam Begg, will also be speaking on the panel.

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London: Friday 5th April, 6:30pm. Register at: https://uighurlondon.eventbrite.co.uk

Birmingham: Saturday 6th April, 2:30pm. Register at: https://uighurbirmingham.eventbrite.co.uk

Manchester: Sunday 7th April, 6:30pm. Register at: https://uighurmanchester.eventbrite.co.uk

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