Muslims scholars demand investigation into Tory Party Islamophobia

Theresa May

More than 300 British imams and Muslim public figures have written a joint letter demanding an investigation into Islamophobia in the ruling Conservative Party.  

In total over 1,000 signatures have been collected within 24 hours and include some of the most senior imams and committee members of significant mosques.

Below is the full text of the open letter:

We members of Muslim community, Muslim Scholars, Chair of Masajid and organisations call for disciplinary action against Boris Johnson and investigation of Islamophobia within the Conservative Party.

Less than a month after Baroness Warsi was reported by the Independent Newspaper to have said the “poison” of Islamophobia is widespread and being ignored in the Conservative Party, Boris Johnson has publicly proved her allegations to be correct. Further, there are MPs who are supporting this xenophobic and discriminatory language.

We the undersigned call for disciplinary action against Mr Boris Johnson’s conduct.

We further reiterate the Muslim Council of Britain’s call made in May 2018 to investigate Islamophobic attitudes of Conservative party members, candidates and MPs. MCB has highlighted nine cases in a two month period that require an immediate response. Mr Johnson is not the first high profile Conservative to make Islamophobic remarks, others include the London Mayoral candidate Zac Goldsmith.

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Islamophobia has become mainstream in the United Kingdom and is on the increase. If the Conservative party fails to take action it will signal that Islamophobia is acceptable in the Conservative party.

We therefore call upon the Conservative Party to immediately undertake an investigation into Islamophobia within its membership.

Among the signatories are: Imam Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf, Zamzam academy; Anas Altikriti, Muslim Association of Britain; Imam Hait,ham Al-Haddad, Islamic Council of Europe; Ibrahim Adewusi, Muslim Association of Nigeria; Ismail Patel, Friends of Al Aqsa; Mohammed Kozbar, Finsbury Park Mosque; Mohammed Shafiq, Ramadhan Foundation; Nour Chakroun, Inspiring Women Network; Nozmul Hussain, East London Mosque Trust; Salma Yaqoob, Stop the War Coalition; Imam Zahir Mahmood, As-Suffa Institute; Zaynab Asghar, Nottingham Muslim Women’s Network; Zubeda Gangat, Federation of Muslim Organisations; Imam Suliman Gani, Purley Masjid.

List of full names.

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