Muslim mother and son told to “go home” by man because he voted Brexit

Arry Nessa with her son Kalib

A Muslim mother from Bury was subjected to a vicious racist rant in the street before the perpetrator told her “to go home” because he had voted to leave the EU.

British-born Bangladeshi Arry Nessa, 35, and her nine-year-old son Kalib were walking to school along Bury New Road in Prestwich when they were confronted by the man who launched a verbal attack, calling Arry a “n*****”, “immigrant” and “c**t”.

He then said: “I voted for you to leave so what are you doing here?”

Arry says she defended herself, telling him she was none of those and that she was not afraid of him.

She said he pushed and shoved her, before attempting to punch Kalib.

The man suspected of racially abusing Arry Nessa and her son Kalib
The man suspected of abusing Arry Nessa and her son Kalib

Fortunately a car parked up next to them, scared the man and he turned and walked off leaving Arry and her son very scared.

The incident on July 1 was reported to police and Greater Manchester Police have confirmed they are investigating.

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Following the abuse, Arry said she felt “compelled” to write a Facebook blog post about her experience and share it with others.


Police say the man was described as being white and in his early 20s. He had short blonde hair and was wearing a black jacket with grey/black tracksuit bottoms. Anyone with information is asked to contact police on 101.

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