Reports: Hate incidents increase after Brexit vote

More than a hundred incidents of racial abuse and hate crime have been reported since the UK voted to leave the European Union.

Many of the alleged perpetrators cited the decision to leave the EU explicitly.

Following the incidents (which mainly seem to have occurred online) The Muslim Council of Britain called on political and civic leaders to urgently come together and deal with the division that has come about as a result of the European Union referendum.

In statement the MCB said: “There have been countless incidents reported including a Polish centre being daubed with racist graffiti, a racist demonstration outside a mosque in Birmingham, and many reports of Muslims and others being taunted with ‘go back home!’ or similar sentiments. The Muslim Council of Britain has compiled over 100 incidents reported of hate crimes following the referendum result.”

Calling for action, Dr. Shuja Shafi, the Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain, said: “Now we are witnessing the shocking extent of this with reports around the country of hate speech and minorities being targeted. We need leadership now more than ever before. Our country is experiencing a political crisis which, I fear threatens the social peace.

“Whatever differences we may have, it is vitally important that we demonstrate solidarity for those attacked, and state, in the words of the murdered MP Jo Cox, that ‘We have far more in common than which divides us.’”

Meanwhile, the Islamic Human Rights Commission is calling on Muslims in Britain to stay vigilant and take precautionary measures after an explosion in racist and Islamophobic attacks following last week’s EU referendum.

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The IHRC says the Leave result has further legitimised the environment of hate that already exists for Muslims.

The precautionary advice includes staying vigilant, not opening suspect packages and reporting suspicious characters and vehicles to the police.

IHRC is also setting up a helpline for those who have experienced harassment, verbal or physical abuse. Those who have experienced or heard of any such incidents are being asked to contact IHRC on [email protected] or telephone our office on 020 8904 4222.

IHRC chair Massoud Shadjareh said: “This referendum has clearly unleashed division and hate on an unprecedented scale and while we urge everyone to concentrate on supporting the collective needs and harmony of our society we hold hate preachers, politicians and media accountable for creating and legitimising this environment of hate.”

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