Partner Of International Law Firm Tweets “Islam radicalises Muslims”

Berwin Leighton Paisner is an international law firm.

A partner at an international law firm blamed Islam for the radicalisation of Muslims on Twitter in response to the resignation of Baroness Sayeeda Warsi over the government’s Gaza policy.

Barry Gross who is a commercial and real estate lawyer, and a partner at Berwin Leighton Paisner (BLP), tweeted “Islam radicalises Muslims” in response to Channel 4 journalist, Cathy Newman’s tweet stating that Baroness Warsi said the government’s stance on Gaza will radicalise Muslims.

bplWhen human rights lawyer, Fahad Ansari raised the tweet with Mr Gross, he immediately privatised his account so the tweet was no longer visible.

Regarding the company’s diversity and equality policy, its states on their website:

At BLP we believe that our goals of always exceeding client expectations and being the most attractive place to work will only be achieved if we recruit, retain reward and develop our people with regard to their abilities and contributions and without reference to their background, gender, ethnic origin, age, religion, sexual orientation, political belief or disability.

The London based law firm has over 850 lawyers, including more than 200 partners based across nine offices including the UAE.

5Pillarz contacted BLP reminding them that Mr Gross’ actions were a clear violation of the Equality Act 2010, and that his tweet constituted as hate speech because he used his Twitter account @UKLegalEagle interchangeably with raising his personal views as well as the firms.

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Barry Gross
Barry Gross

Caroline Grant, Head of Corporate Communications for BLP replied:

Berwin Leighton Paisner is a regulated legal practice and adheres to the highest professional standards, including those concerning equality of opportunity and respect for diversity. We deeply regret the incident and apologise for any offence caused. The comments were made personally by one individual and do not reflect the position of the firm.

We have acted immediately in accordance with our policies and all relevant comments have been removed by the individual from their Twitter feed. The individual also deeply regrets any offence caused.”

5Pillarz has advised BLP that Mr Gross should issue a public apology and requested that he undertakes diversity and equality training.

5Pillarz will be informing BLP’s UAE branch in Abu Dhabi, along with other legal and lawyers associations of this matter.

You can email Barry Gross on: [email protected]


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