Bradford brothers admit charges of having “terrorist” material

Muhammed Saeed Ahmed (left) and Muhammed Naeem Ahmed

Two Bradford brothers have admitted having “terrorist material,” including documents such as The Al Qaeda Manual and 44 Ways of Supporting Jihad.

Muhammed Saeed Ahmed, 21, and Muhammed Naeem Ahmed, 20, pleaded guilty to 11 counts between them of collecting or possessing information likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism when they appeared at the Old Bailey today.

Muhammed Saeed Ahmed admitted ten of the charges and Muhammed Naeem Ahmed six of them.

The brothers, of Little Horton deny a charge of conspiring together and with others to attend a place used for terrorist training.

They are due to face trial on that count tomorrow.

The pair were arrested in March last year in a raid at their home by officers in the North East Counter Terrorism Unit and initially charged with possession of terrorist material.

The extra charge relating to the terror training camp was laid against them earlier this year with the approval of the Attorney General Dominic Grieve after a Government agency consented to certain material being released.

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The Crown’s case is that that the brothers were planning to imminently attend a training camp.

Judge Gerald Gordon extended the brother’s bail until tomorrow’s trial.

The case continues.

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