Moroccan man jailed for life for ‘Gaza revenge murder’ in Hartlepool

Ahmed Ali Alid. Pic: Counter Terrorism Policing

A Moroccan asylum seeker who murdered a 70 year old man and attempted to murder a second person in Hartlepool has been sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum term of 44 years and 152 days. 

Ahmed Ali Alid, 45, was sentenced at Teesside Crown Court after being found guilty at a trial in April of the murder of Terence Carney, and the attempted murder of a 32 year old man on October 15.

He was also found guilty of two offences of assaulting an emergency worker after attacking two police officers while in custody.

The attacks were apparently motivated by Alid’s anger over Israel’s actions in Gaza.

At trial, he admitted stabbing the two men but denied he had intended to kill or cause really serious harm.

But at the sentencing hearing, Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb declared that the attacks were an act of terrorism.

She said: “The murder of Terence Carney was a terrorist act in which you hoped to influence the British government. You hoped to frighten the British people and undermine the freedoms they enjoy.”

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The judge said psychiatric reports had found no evidence of psychosis “or any other serious mental illness” in Alid.

She said he was deemed to have a “minor mental illness” called an adjustment disorder which would have affected his judgment but this offered “very limited mitigation” as it was not sufficiently linked to “such a serious level of violence”.

The court heard Alid forced his way into Mr Nouri’s room in the early hours of 15 October and stabbed him.

Alid shouted “Allahu Akbar” during the attack at the Home Office-approved asylum seekers’ accommodation.

The room where Mr Nouri was stabbed. Pic: Counter Terrorism Policing

After that attack, Alid fled into the street and came across Mr Carney, who was out for a regular early morning walk on nearby Raby Road.

In a holding cell at Middlesbrough police station after his arrest, Alid launched into a speech in Arabic saying that “Allah willing, Gaza would return to be an Arab country” and how he would have continued his “raid” if his hands had not been injured.

Alid, who strongly disapproved of his housemate Mr Nouri’s conversion to Christianity, said God was “displeased” with those who went astray.

During his police interview Alid said he launched his attacks because “Israel had killed innocent children.”

Jonathan Sandiford KC, prosecuting, told the court during the trial: “In other words, he said he had committed the attempted murder of Javed Nouri and the murder of Mr Carney in revenge for what he believed to be the killing of children by Israel.”

Detective Chief Superintendent James Dunkerley, the Head of Counter Terrorism Policing North East, said: “The defendant had expressed, during the time of his arrest and whilst in custody, that his actions were inspired by the Israel-Hamas conflict. He appeared to have developed a fixation with the events there.

“International conflicts can create a mix of outrage, grief and grievance which has the potential to galvanise those with an extremist or potentially extremist mind-set to take action. Sadly, as we have seen in this case, it can have devastating consequences.

“Nothing can justify the actions of the defendant that day. I have no doubt that the bravery of the Cleveland officers involved in the initial response prevented further harm or loss of life that morning. Today’s sentence reflects the shocking and horrendous nature of the crimes this man has committed.

“I again wish to pass on our deepest sympathies to Mr Carney’s family. Throughout the months following the incident, and during the trial, they have shown great dignity. We ask that their wishes are respected, and they are given the time to grieve in private.”

And Deputy Chief Constable of Cleveland Police, Victoria Fuller said: “The shocking events in Hartlepool on 15 October 2023, which led to the tragic death of 70-year-old Terence Carney, shook the local community to its core.

“Alid’s actions not only left a family devastated, but also caused significant fear and distress amongst residents in Hartlepool and beyond and today’s sentence reflects the shocking crimes that were committed.

“I would like to publicly thank the Cleveland Police officers who were involved in this incident for their swift and brave actions.  They undoubtedly prevented harm being caused to other potential victims due to their fast response and professionalism.  This is a further reminder that our officers find themselves in potentially dangerous situations every day, all while doing their job.

“On behalf of Cleveland Police I would like to pay tribute to Mr Carney’s family who have shown such dignity and self-respect throughout.  Our heartfelt sympathies are with them.

“I would also like to acknowledge the bravery of Mr Javid Nouri who has fully supported the investigation. Cleveland Police will continue to work hard to keep the communities across Teesside safe.”

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